Generator Recovery Operation Success – How to Prevent Generator Theft and Fuel Theft

Introduction to Generator Theft and How CTR can Help

Generator theft and fuel theftExperts estimate that fuel theft has increased by over 60 per cent in 2022. Fuel prices aren’t the only thing on the rise. 

Without proper security, your generator is an easy target for would-be fuel thieves and in some circumstances organised criminals. They can easily siphon your fuel in the dark of night, leaving you high and dry in the morning when you need the fuel the most, for your business or work area. 

You do have options, though, that can protect you and your fuel or generator. Correct and fit for purpose generator and fuel theft security measures will keep your fuel and generator safe. 

CTR & Client Successful Recovery Operation

Yesterday, CTR Secure Services has recovered a stolen secure generator (Not protected by our CCTV systems) with the client. A secure generator was stolen from site in November and reported to CTR Operations team.

Gaining intelligence that the stolen generator had appeared on social media for sale. The client authorised CTR to initiate a generator recovery plan with GeneratorPower. CTR conducted a desktop analysis of the intelligence and utilised our internal intelligence platform to scope and map the area of operation in relation to previous crimes and tracking information.

Prior to recovery the client was required to affirm the serial details of the generator once found. The CTR plan was to initiate a protective surveillance detail to ensure the client was fully protected. The recovery was very successful and with police intervention a full investigation will follow.

CTR Secure Services Intelligence Management team & client recovery success

This article will identify common fuel and generator theft solutions and moreover what capability CTR Secure Services provides. 

Install Fuel Locking Systems

You can provide excellent security for your generator by installing a fuel-locking system. You can purchase a locking cap for your generator. Such a cap will deter and delay the time a thief from accessing fuel. 

Like with any lock, a determined thief can break their way through. But the right fuel locking system will frustrate a thief enough that they will eventually give up. 

Good thieves know that speed is their biggest asset. If they cannot do their job quickly, then they will move on. 

CTR Secure Technology has created a fuel cap with an anti-tamper alarm built in to activate a camera, working through the VORTEX system.

Employ a Security System

If you have a generator, install a security system. Thieves avoid getting caught by avoiding businesses with security systems. 

The security system will protect more than the business and its contents. You can have cameras and alert systems outside the building in the perimeter where your generator sits. This will then protect your fuel and provide security for generators on your property. 

CTR has found more recently that thieves are now ignoring CCTV systems unless a personal verbal challenge is focused on them. This may be for the fact that red diesel is not commonly used anymore and that we are in such economic turmoil.

CTR Secure Technology has created covert and overt systems that have proven themselves many times in deterring fuel and generator theft.

Use Technology more effectively

Tap into the wealth of technology as you’re looking for fuel theft solutions. A fuel monitoring device will monitor fuel usage remotely. This technology works well for industrial generators used as the reserve or main energy source. You can receive data that predicts how much fuel you will need in the coming months based on your usage. 

You also can see if someone is tapping into your fuel source in real time. Thus, you can catch the thief in action as they attempt to steal your fuel. 

Just like other security systems, a thief that recognizes a fuel monitoring device may move onto an easier grab and leave your fuel alone. 

The following are the Pro’s and Con’s of security menthods  


Trackers are used by many generator companies, however in most cases the GPS GSM trackers (Blocks) are most certainly found and discarded. This is because the criminals know where they are or even more so, they are using GSM jammers to block the signals.

The main pro’s for using trackers if monitored correctly is that you can respond immediately to a generator movement and may have time to action the recovery plan (that is if you have one in place)

CTR Secure Technology enables an RF tracking of your Generator (so GSM jammers don’t interfere with the frequency range) as well as having an accelerometer to detect fuel theft, again monitored by our trained members of staff within the PSOC.

Asset Protection

For sites supplying critical national infrastructures, the use of asset protection officers and quick reaction teams can also provide a natural deterrent as well as the capacity to instigate police intervention. However, this can be costly due to man hours.

CTR Secure Services provides converged Quick Reaction Teams (QRT) to areas of risk and by utilising the OWL covert camera systems as a trigger can dominate an area, thus reducing the costs. CTR has been supplying this service for many years to a variety of clients with great success.

Be Aware of Suspicious Activities

Always be aware of the things going on around your business. If something looks odd, then there’s a reason. Take note of the suspicious activities, and then contact authorities. 

Many fuel thieves will scope out areas during the day and then steal at night. So, strangers that linger around your business can give you a reason to be concerned. 

If it’s safe, talk to individuals who appear to be showing up regularly around your property. Ask them what they’re doing. If it’s not safe, alert the authorities. 

If CCTV is utilised, then it needs to be monitored correctly. CTR announced our end of year report indicating the professionalism our clients have become used to with statistics of 12.3 sec response time (the average over the year). You should regularly audit your monitoring station to confirm they are meeting your SLA’s.

Know Who Steals & Intelligence Mapping

It’s important to note that most of the time, the people who steal from you aren’t strangers. Studies have shown that approximately 65% of burglaries occur by people who are acquainted with the ones they’re stealing from. 

So don’t hesitate to consider anyone who works with you or lives near your business as a potential thief. While we’d all like to believe our employees wouldn’t dream of taking from us, everyone falls prey to temptation in one way or another, so consider the insider threat.

CTR Intelligence team supply clients with tangible evidence-based intelligence to confirm areas of high risk from both fuel and generator theft. This intelligence can enable informed decisions to be made as to the security requirements to protect the assets. 

Initiating Generator and Fuel Theft Security Measures 

You can protect your generator and fuel theft when you take the proper generator and fuel theft security measures. A well-lit area with security cameras and state-of-the-art locks is a good start. 

The best methods of all involve the technology that can keep your valuable fuel safe. Outsource this service to a company that has the newest methods and has provided security measures for years. Technology like interactive advanced CCTV will keep your fuel safe. 

Are you looking for a security solution? Would you like to protect your generator fuel? If so, contact us and look at our solutions. 


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We are a leading risk management and security support company in the UK, helping organisations of any size safeguard their business, staff, and assets.

We deliver intelligent security services including our flagship services of Close Protection, Asset Protection and Predictive Intelligence based Physical Security Operations Centre (PSOC), that assist clients in achieving business continuity and peace of mind. These services are delivered mainly in the UK although also in Europe and the Middle East using our infrastructure of competent and professional staff. Our belief in professionalism and customer focus is the key to our strength as can be seen by our long-standing client base. The integration of technology designed internally by us, further confirms our place as a leading security provider and our distinctive competence and different approach to the standard security provider.

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