International Business Person

Close Protection

CTR were tasked with providing a Close Protection team to a Chinese business person whilst they were conducting business in London, this included provision of executive vehicles for the principal and their team. Once the request was confirmed and relevant contract had been signed, CTR set about planning and and site surveying for all the locations that would be frequented by the client. A contingent of two drivers and two CPO’s were provided along with a Mercedes S Class for the principle and also a Mercedes V Class for their administration team.

The detail lasted 6 days and required constant movement around London from the client’s hotel, which included meetings, business lunches and also evening entertainment at various locations througout London.


We are a leading risk management and security support company in the UK, helping organisations of any size safeguard their business, staff, and assets.

We deliver intelligent security services including our flagship services of Close Protection, Asset Protection and Predictive Intelligence based Physical Security Operations Centre (PSOC), that assist clients in achieving business continuity and peace of mind. These services are delivered mainly in the UK although also in Europe and the Middle East using our infrastructure of competent and professional staff. Our belief in professionalism and customer focus is the key to our strength as can be seen by our long-standing client base. The integration of technology designed internally by us, further confirms our place as a leading security provider and our distinctive competence and different approach to the standard security provider.

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